Sometimes I feel like I’m a broken record when it comes to sharing how important I feel renewing our mind is when it comes to overcoming overeating, the diet mentality, releasing weight, having a “healthy” relationship with food, etc. But honestly, renewing my mind has made a huge difference! I tried to be a normal eater for many years, but it never stuck. I believe it was because I was working on changing the external so much that I was ignoring what was going on internally, mostly in my mind and emotions. When Heidi first introduced Barb Raveling’s Renewing of the Mind Weight Loss study in March of 2013, something finally clicked in me. I knew it would work because I have seen the same concepts applied to other areas of my life with success—all because of God’s Word transforming me from the inside out.
There are several ways I can spend time renewing my mind. I can: journal, read through the ‘I Deserve a Donut’ app (or book), read through my truth cards, or a mixture of those. I know that renewing my mind is a critical part of overcoming.
The other day, I started reading through Barb Raveling’s book Taste for Truth: A 30 day Weight Loss Bible Study. She talks about how back in the Old Testament days that people would run to strongholds to be safe from their enemy. David talks about going to God as his refuge and stronghold. But some turn to things that turn into strongholds in their lives, such as food.
About a week ago the enemy was questioning me about why I take the time to renew my mind (why do I even listen?). And to be honest, he is still assaulting me about it, but I’m seeing the truth in the matter more and more. Today, the Lord has been reminding me about how taking the time to renew my mind has been vital for me as I have walked through different things in my life.
For example, years ago, I struggled a lot with fear. It was the kind of fear that made me afraid to even step outside my door or open my kitchen blinds. We lived next to neighbors that made me uneasy. Nothing ever happened, but the enemy had me convinced that this fear was real in my life.
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
One night, I had the opportunity to go to a women’s Bible study, but because of this fear, I could not bring myself to walk the few feet from our door to our car. I was always tense, stressed, and had knots in my stomach. I felt paralyzed by this fear. It was bad! It was so hard for my mind to work through the lies that were holding me captive. This went on for many months.
Finally, the Lord was able to get my attention enough to encourage me to write out scriptures on notecards about His truth about fear and peace. I also printed scriptures in really big font and different colors on 8-1/2×11-inch paper and taped them up in different parts of my house, like on my kitchen cupboards for instance. The kitchen was one of those rooms that I felt afraid to be in because of the location near my neighbor’s house. It was the perfect place for me to stop, read those scriptures, and renew my mind. I read through the scripture cards each morning and whenever I needed them. I also asked for prayer from a group of believers I had grown to trust.
Over time, the Lord began to break down those strongholds of fear. I would wake up in the morning, and without even trying to remember, the scriptures I was reading throughout the day would come to my mind. The Lord spoke His truth to me and after a while I was free from that fear! Praise the Lord! I chose to take my eyes off the fear and see God’s word and promises. He freed me!
He’s been showing me that He can do the same with how I look at food, eating, my body, etc. He can tear down the stronghold just as he tore down the stronghold of fear in my life. The truth has always been there, but I have to do my part in being in the Word. He does the rest. And if it takes me filling a whole journal of conversations with the Lord about food, then so be it. The Lord knows I have filled other journals with other struggles—which I have overcome, all thanks to Him! Renewing our mind may feel like “work”, but if we don’t take the time to take those thoughts captive, we will continue to be slave to the wrong thoughts.
Earlier this year the enemy wanted me to believe that certain types of food would kill me and that if I ate them that I was tempting God. A scripture He showed me to refute that lie is 1 Timothy 4:4-5, which says, “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer.”
Another lie was that people would be disappointed in me if I truly ate all foods and wasn’t following some special diet. The Lord gave me 1 Corinthians 10:29: For why is my liberty judged by another man’s conscience?
When my mind wasn’t at ease, the Lord gave me peace through 2 Timothy 1:7, which says, “For God did not give me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
Recently, when the enemy has urged me to give up, the Lord gave me Hebrews 10:39: But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.
Those are just a few examples of how the Lord has exposed the lie and replaced it with His truth. These are scriptures in my truth cards that I read each day. The enemy wants me to be caught up in his lies, but the Lord wants me to be free in His truth. That’s why I take the time to renew my mind.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2
How about you?
I know we are about to embark on the Thin Within Workbook study (starting Monday, January 6, 2014), and I believe Heidi is going to incorporate ‘renewing our mind’ into the study. I just want to encourage you to make renewing your mind a part of your journey in overcoming. Surround yourself with whatever tools you deem necessary to help you. It will be different for each person. I look at having these tools as weapons in our arsenal to combat the lies of the enemy and to free us.
These tools can include:
- Bible
- Truth cards
- ‘I Deserve a Donut’ app and/or book by Barb Raveling
- Taste for Truth by Barb Raveling
- Thin Within by Judy Halliday
- Thin Within workbooks
- Personal journal
- Praise music
- Scripture cards
- God list
- List of thanksgiving
There are so many possibilities of what may be in your toolbox to help renew your mind. If you feel overwhelmed by having too many tools, ask the Lord to help you simplify. This shouldn’t feel overwhelming. We aren’t trading bondage for bondage. If you don’t have peace about something, don’t do it. The Lord wants to free you!
Written by: Christina
I’m glad you spoke of fear in your post, Christina. I think that’s a major issue with many people. I know I have fears that can plague me at times. I tend to fear what others think of me, so the verse you posted — “For why should my freedom be judged by another’s conscience” — was perfect for me to hear. Many times I am not true to myself, just because I do not want others to think negatively about me. What a snare! That verse is going on my truth cards! I need to be true to who God has called me to be and not be a people-pleaser. The struggle with many of these issues is — we have lived in them for so long, they have almost become instinct. We react with fear, anger, guilt, etc. so quickly! Renewing the mind — as often as is necessary — is the key. It replaces our fleshly thinking with the mind of Christ. Soon we start responding to situations as Christ would, because we have our minds filled with His truth. Good stuff!!
Yes! Renewing our minds is so powerful. I am experiencing a renewed transformation in my thinking as I have been committing to renewing my mind twice a day. God is doing a NEW new thing!
Thanks, Christina; you nailed it! Was sitting here thinking of CHIPS, one of my weaknesses!Chips may be my weakness, but … GOD IS MY STRENGTH
Me too. God is doing something new. Thank You Jesus!
I am so glad you mention being overwhelmed by having too many tools. I have several books/studies and feel I can’t get focused on any specific one. Plan to change that now!! My question: Is there much difference between Barb’s studies? I know she has Freedom from Emotional Eating and her online study and now she has a new book? I guess I just don’t want to miss anything.
Beth, I love Barb’s two books, I Deserve a Donut and her latest one, Taste for Truth: A 30-Day Weight Loss Bible Study. Both of these are useful for non-dieters like Thin Within folks. Freedom From Emotional Eating has a lot of good stuff in it but she wrote it before she was aware that many who might use it could be triggered by dieting terminology. There is a LOT of good material in it to be sure, but if you are still struggling with breaking free from the dieting mentality, I recommend waiting until you can not be triggered again before using it. The two, I Deserve a Donut and Taste for Truth are very different from one another and can be used together or separately. I plan to have a study of A Taste For Truth in summer of 2014.
Thank you! This helps so much. I bought Barb’s FFEE study some time ago and skimmed through it but had to put it away in order to focus on thin within. My perfectionist tendencies get in the way and I want to do it ALL and do it thoroughly!