Last week I posted a “Set the Timer Challenge.” If you missed it or need to review what that was about, have a look at this post.
How did it go for you?
I know some of you joined us late…no problem there. I would still love to follow up with you.
Some of you may not have tried it yet. You can today, if you like. 🙂
Some of you extended the challenge and may still be enjoying it.
So please use this space to tell us how it has gone for you! What truths did you use to renew your mind? What did you do when your timer went off? What about when you were with people and your timer sounded? Did that happen to you? What did you do about it? How has this challenge affected your intimacy with God? How has it affected your eating? Has it changed you in some way? How? Would you recommend it for others? Are you going to do it again?
What else can you tell us to share the encouragement!
If you have questions that you would like help with in order to do the challenge, feel free to post that, too.
What About You?
This entire post is all about you today! Share, won’t you? 🙂
I set my timer for every two hours and a helpful tip would pop up on my phone. I’ve found it so helpful. The Lord knows what will help snap you out of that eating mindset. And sometimes the timing was so perfect. Not even just for eating but also for reminding me to praise and think on ‘things above’. It’s definitely brought a greater element of peace to my days. I plan on continuing because it is just so refreshing.
Wow, Chelsee! I am so glad to hear it! That is wonderful!
Heidi, thank you so much for offering this challenge!
As a result, and with prayerful consideration, I established what I call a 120 Day Mind Renewal Project. I bought an app for my droid phone called Habit Goal Monitor Pro. The widget has a reminder alarm and shows a “chart” of what you are working on. It also shows a number [that you have committed to] the number in my case indicates how many times I will speak (read out loud) my confessions / scriptures. This is a visual ever before me of the commitment I have made. It also shows my progress throughout the day.
I would definitely recommend this to others; it seems to me that God is asking me to wait, let them see the change in me and then when they ask share.
When my alarm goes off and someone asks “what is that” I simply reply that it is a reminder, would you excuse me for a minute; then off I go to another room and read my confessions. The hourly ones take approx 90 seconds to read.
I can’t say that I have seen major changes YET, but I know that I will. Reprogramming our minds takes time and consistent effort. I also put a count down widget on my phone. 120 days ends on Feb 17, 2014. I am very excited about where I will be! I know God will help me be faithful and consistent without the forthcoming Holidays. I will keep you posted.
Wow, Lisa. Great. That app sounds so cool! I checked the Apple Store and it isn’t available for iPhone, but I will hunt around for something similar. What great strategies you have. Let us know how it goes with your 120 Day Mind Renewal Project. I can’t wait to see what God does! 🙂 I hope you will write a testimony for us here at the blog. 🙂
Hi Heidi!
I wanted to give you an update with the hope that it would encourage all who are still participating in this challenge. I am on day 8 of my 120 Day Mind Renewal Project.
A few things that I have noticed: 1) When the thought of food / eating crosses my mind, it is a lot easier to say no. 2) The pull / pressure to eat are almost completely gone. 3) My mind is more focused on God all day long. 4) I have dropped 7 pounds without much thought. 5) I messed up one evening, but instead of the usual condemnation, berating, discouragement etc.; the thought that came into my mind was “I am not there yet and need to get more of God’s Word into me. I then just pushed the restart button…no big deal. In the past I would have continued to eat the rest of the evening and it would have taken me weeks to get back on track. After, I thought about the situation and prayed for suggestions that I could use in the future to prevent this. I also noticed that during this time I ate a lot less then I would have in the past.
I feel a sense of relief and excitement because the burden of changing me is no longer on my shoulders but on the Word of God. I am so excited to see how God will continue to change me over the coming weeks.
Wow, Lisa. God has done so much in such a short time! That is awesome! I can’t wait to hear other updates! A success story unfolding!
I’m going to start mine today! I saw it when you first posted on facebook but we were going through some heavy stuff at the time and now I am determined to let God work in this area of my life instead of me always calling the shots—–I can see where that got me in the past—not where I should be! Thank you so much for all the encouragement you give me!
Hi, Mary Anne. I have also found that it is GREAT for dealing with trials. When my timer goes off I recite truth about the situation, person, circumstance as God would have me believe. It has transformed a LOT of things in my life!
Hi all….Heidi, this was a great challenge; I found that doing it helped me simplify and clarify my daily truths. I’m down to meditating on 3 truths: Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and what I (truly) need will be given to me; and…Eating beneficial foods from hunger to satisfaction ( 0-5) will bring me to my natural, healthy size; and…Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. I will not be mastered by anything but Jesus Christ.
I have clarity about what to do about sugar–no more trying to decide if I should “ban” it completely, have a little every day, eat dessert 2x/week….instead I simply ask God if it would be beneficial for me at that moment. And yes, sometimes it IS beneficial to have a bit of chocolate or dessert. 🙂
I love the “Mind Renewal Project” and the sound of that habit app! I’ll see if there’s one for my iphone.
Hi, Brenda. I am so glad to hear that it has helped. I love the truths that you have been using to renew your mind with as well!
I think I will pick a time in the morning,afternoon,evening to go pray three times a day. Giving God praise and asking for his help. Spend time meditating on his word.
“Man shall not live by bread alone. “