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We have all experienced temper tantrums. Usually, the context is our kids’ attempts to get their way…or maybe it’s someone else’s kids. 🙂
But have you ever wanted to throw a temper tantrum? Or forget the “wanted to throw” … have you ever just plain ol’ pitched a royal fit? (Or maybe you aren’t like me? LOL!)
God works with me in themes and today’s theme seems to be “temper tantrums.” It has hit me from several sources…and, if I am honest, I am throwing one very UGLEEEEEE, giant temper tantrum all over the place today. (But that is another story, with the telling best left for another decade.)
An epiphany just hit me…as I was typing this post, I mis-spelled “temper” and it came out on the keyboard:
TempTer Tantrum
Interesting. I don’t need to wonder long in the context of my own “TempTer Tantrum” to know that the Tempter–ol’ Satan himself–likely laughs with glee as I “indulge” in pitching my fit. TempTer tantrums have entitlement and justification written all over them!
This morning, my husband stumbled out to the deck where I was having my quiet time. He was groggy, rummy, bleary-eyed and somewhat sleep deprived, I guess. Some of his first words were, “I don’t feel like eating 0 to 5 any more…”
Having my iPad handy, I invited Bob to have a seat, then tapped “record.” The following sound byte is the result. Don’t be awed however…this was actually a conversation that took the better part of a half an hour. I have whittled it down to three and a half minutes. You will see where Bob started with his temper tantrum…and where he ended.
[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]Adriane also mentioned a temper tantrum in her most recent Sound Cloud file. I thought I would share it with you as well. Thanks, Adriane, for being so real! I love how she intends to use this file to remind herself of just how AWFUL it feels when we GIVE IN to a tempter tantrum!
[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /](Email subscribers will probably have to come to the blog site in order to take advantage of the sound files. It is worth it! Come on over!)
Questions for Your Consideration:
1. Can you relate to having what Adriane calls “an adult temper tantrum?”
2. You might want to spend some time truth journaling what you feel when you throw a temper tantrum. What are the reasons you are most likely to pitch your fit? Use what you journal to make a truth card or two. Lots of things in Adriane’s Sound Cloud file would make an excellent truth card.
3. What is true about your temper tantrums? (Does it make you feel better? Closer to God? Solve a problem?)
4. What is true about what you are entitled to? (You might want to consider this from God’s perspective. Check out Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23a.)
5. In what ways has God chosen to bless you?
Note: Don’t forget to register for today’s webinar if you plan to come. It is at 3pm Pacific Time (5pm Central, 6pm Eastern). Info below:
Please register for Entitlement Eating – Thin Within Support – Week 4 Renewing of the Mind on Jul 10, 2013 3:00 PM PDT at:
“I deserve the good life!” “Life should be fair!” “I deserve to never ben sad or uncomfortable and if I am any of these things, I will use food to make me feel better because it is my right!”
Many of us have experienced feeling these things. Some of us may even live by this sense of entitlement. If we do, chances are we will never be consistent in our Thin Within efforts to eat between the parameters of 0 and 5 (or hunger and satisfaction).
What is God’s view of this attitude? What are we to do instead? How?
This week, we talk about these things. Come on along. The price is $0 for another week!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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Is this class recorded? I can’t come at the time you have listed but would like to view it if possible!
Yes, Marie. All the classes are and the links are included on the “Renewing the Mind Bible Study” page that is listed in the top menu bar. Here is the direct link: It takes me a few days to get the recordings online, though.
Oh Bob…me too mate! I so relate to Bob when he says he just WANTS to eat a lot. I am totally amazed at how little food it takes for me to be satisfied, and this is sometimes a *sad* reality! Question: do boundaries restrict me or set me free?
Bob says, “Yes. Next question.” (Seriously…I let him answer that question…and I think he is probably right.) I think we have to define freedom. When I weighed 250 pounds, I was free to eat a lot (it took a lot of food to sustain that size), but I didn’t go to the snow with my family, I didn’t ride my horses, I didn’t like myself, I didn’t have any clothes I felt good in, and my relationship with God had a WALL being built in it.
Adriane – wow…what a great encouragement for me, I was right there with you this weekend. I relate to the feeling of being on a ride that I can’t get off of. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the remnider
Hi Heidi, Just wanted to know how much I’m loving all your titles and pictures. Every time I see them in my email, I laugh. Wow – and tempter tantrum – that’s eye opening, isn’t it! Love all that you do, Heidi!
LOL! Thanks, Barb. I am loving your material again!
Thanks for sharing these. Great reminders and ring very true.
It is a daily walk for me! Today has not gone like I thought it would so I just journaled my attitude of why I did what I did at lunch. #1 I tricked myself into believing I was hungry when I really was not. #2 I had an I am gonna eat this anyways attitude. After 1 bite I knew I needed to stop but I intentionally ate that food and drank a sweet latte! I also noticed that I did NOT want to work on my Bible Study/Thin Within study/Prayer at lunch time today. So I let my flesh win at lunch today. I wrote in my journal “Be aware of the enemy Adriane! He wants you to do what you just did. Recognize this as a trick and an attack and don’t do it next time! Note to Self: My stomach feels miserable!” It is hard not to condemn myself but I journaled how I felt and I emailed my accountability partner to see what her suggestions are. I am frustrated with myself but I have to learn from it and move on. I mean really, my stomach feels so gross! Why do I keep doing this? I had a crazy morning which is not normal for me and I think being “flesh led” is what I default to and I have got to train myself to be spirit led instead of flesh led. Spirit led feels so much better! I am a work in progress.
Well, the past two blog themes – snacks and having fits (not wanting to do this!) – were appropriate for me! I was just tired of it yesterday, but I did have to remind myself that it is NOT worth it to break my boundaries. I cannot go back, so I must press on forward.
My biggest struggle currently is wanting to eat (esp sweet) and/or drink (esp alcohol, but hot drinks will work) after dinner – not as a part of dinner but in front of the tv as my husband puts the kids to bed – not at a 0. And even if it’s only 1 piece of chocolate (ie not a lot of calories), it’s my attitude that is the problem. It truly is a heart issue
So….I’ve been meaning to, wanting to, planning to journal and truth journal after dinner to really look at my thoughts and see what the weeds in my heart are. But, I kept resisting doing it and went day after day and week after week not doing. Finally, I admitted to my resistance and made it a true secondary boundary. So last night I did sit down with my journal. Here is what I wrote.
Lord, it is after dinner and I am committed to journal after dinner, as the pull to eat is strong (and drink alcohol). I say to myself – this kind of sucks, I’m so tired of it. I just want to eat like a normal person. Maybe this is my God given weight. I just want to bring food or a drink (tea, hot choc, drink) to the basement and turn on the TV.
I prayed for a bit and then wrote this:
Sustain in me a willing spirit, restore me to your salvation, to a relationship with you – free me. Be the living water in me – filling every crack and crevice – until I am so full of you, Lord Jesus, that I want nothing else. Free me, please, for joyful obedience. Show me your will and give me the humility to obey. I am humbled before you, knowing that I cannot do this alone.
Yes, this may be my God given size, but I won’t know until I really stay 0-5 and don’t overeat (even a little bit) at night.
I was able to leave my journal and go to the tv and not eat or drink – there were still some food thoughts, but they weren’t nearly as strong as in the past.
It is worth it to press on.
Wow, Carrie–that is awesome! I needed to see what you wrote..because I need to do this and haven’t …! God does meet us at our moment of need if we but turn…so good to hear your testimony….reminds me–“we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony” thanks for sharing!!
Wow, Carrie. 🙂 Yes, thank you for sharing!