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Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone else share about the topic that I beat to death here at the blog. Bob has a refreshingly “bare bones” approach to many of the same issues that I use way too many words to describe. In this short video, Bob cuts to the chase about “The Myth of More.” for you to consider:
1. What mindset do you have about food? Do you have a mindset that is conducive to realizing your “weight loss” goal? (That is what Bob talks about most of the time since that is his primary focus for using the principles of Thin Within.)
2. Have you accepted the fact that you may never be able to eat food in the quantities that you might always want to and get to/remain at a healthy weight?
3. Are you willing to eat in the quantities it takes to get and maintain a healthy weight?
4. Do you like food more than you like the thought of being a healthy weight?
5. Have you found yourself rationalizing (justifying) eating more for “just one meal?” How often does that happen for you and does what Bob has to say about that make sense? What will you do with that?
Thank you for the encouragement…0-5 for ME and fist size!
When God sent the manna he told his people to only TAKE what is needed or it would rot and get maggots….Good reminder for ME! = ) eat only when the body is truly hungry….0-5 fist SIZE…..
Oh man…Bob really got me on this. I have been really struggling and trying not to be frustrated. I did go over this morning but I am celebrating victory because I have not had lunch and I am committed to wait for that 0!
My mindset about food…yuck…I think I view it is pleasurable rather as fuel. I need to change my mindset.
I need to accept the fact that I will never be able to eat large quantities of food like I would like to in order to get to a healthy weight and then maintain that weight. I am willing to change and eat small quantities. When I think of that long term it sound difficult so I am having to renew my mind one day at a time and sometimes one meal at a time. I REALLY do like food but I REALLY like the idea of being small. I have to come to terms with the fact that I need to like being a healthy weight more than I like food.
YES I have found myself rationalizing one meal and then it turns into over a week of at least 1 bad meal a day and zero weight loss and lots of frustration. Feels like a vicious cycle so obviously it is not worth it. Eventually these meals will add up (according to Bob and he is telling the truth!). What will I do with that? I have to change. There is no other option so even though I am frustrated with myself lately I am going to stay in this study and keep pressing forward and keep stringing together enough 0 to 5 meals that eventually it will be second nature. (Prayers would be appreciated because I need them!)
Thank you, Heidi and Bob! God is working on my mindset and this video is a confirmation re what the Holy Spirit has been saying to me. I hear, but don’t always listen. Taking half the food I think of as “normal” and eating fist-size meals; well, that takes trusting God as to how much my body needs. For me, it means leaving behind wrong mindsets and fears I have about eating “too little” and disregarding the voices of the diet world about my body storing fat to protect against starvation. I too need to face the fact that I cannot overeat at some meals and eat 0 – 5 at others and even maintain my current weight, let alone release excess fat and pounds. This is not a diet, as in the past; and, I will not be returning to the large meals of the past.
Yes, Adriane, I too have to renew my mind each day and before each meal in order to surrender my desires to God in exchange for His will and good plan for the restoration of my body, His temple. My flesh and spirit are definitely at war. I rationalized at least one meal per day, all of last week. Not only did I release no weight, I also weighed in with a .4 regaining of weight. I tried to explain it away as retained water or whatever. The truth is, if I’d been eating within my boundaries, I would have released weight even if I was retaining some water. I felt so discouraged, yesterday, so upset with myself. Thanks be to God that He never gives up on me because that would be giving up on what He can do. He is greater than anything which keeps me from honoring Him in my eating.
This morning, after reaching a definite 0, I ate half a small banana and one boiled egg and was satisfied. When I’m hungry, I will eat another fist-size “meal” and not think about how some people have bigger fists than my little one. 🙂 At my daughter-in-law’s birthday dinner at Olive Garden, tonight, I will order a “Lighter Fare” meal, invite the Holy Spirit to tell me when to put my plate aside in order to stop before 5 so I can have a small taste of her birthday cake without going outside my primary boundary.
I’m going to pray for all of us, right now. We need each other’s prayers so much! I know I sure need yours.