Thoughts from a Recovered Binge Eater – Guest Post
In Thin Within we refer to "phases" isn't just a one-size-fits-all,...
Failing My Way to Freedom – Guest Post
As much as I hate to admit it, I know a thing or two about failure. Ten years...
7 Phrases To Ditch For Victory!
"It's just a little snack!" "I am going to eat healthy today!" "Oh...if I get...
Filtering Your Mind
Would it be weird to tell you that this post was inspired by the movie Finding...
Pregnancy & Thin Within
Last month, I wrote a blog post about what God has done so far this year in...
Choosing Peace or Chasing Perfection? – Guest Post
I am traveling with my husband this week and so it is with great pleasure that...
Get Rid of “The Little Foxes!”
Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our...
A Milkshake for Lunch?! – Guest Post
I must start by sharing this happy realization. A few months ago, Heidi...
Prepare Now for January 2014’s Thin Within Study!
There are so many exciting changes ahead relative to God is Doing a New Thing...