
Image Source: Stock Exchange

Last week I posted a “Set the Timer Challenge.” If you missed it or need to review what that was about, have a look at this post.

How did it go for you?

  • I know some of you joined us late…no problem there. I would still love to follow up with you.

  • Some of you may not have tried it yet. You can today, if you like.  🙂

  • Some of you extended the challenge and may still be enjoying it.

So please use this space to tell us how it has gone for you! What truths did you use to renew your mind? What did you do when your timer went off? What about when you were with people and your timer sounded? Did that happen to you? What did you do about it? How has this challenge affected your intimacy with God? How has it affected your eating? Has it changed you in some way? How? Would you recommend it for others? Are you going to do it again?

What else can you tell us to share the encouragement!

If you have questions that you would like help with in order to do the challenge, feel free to post that, too.

What About You?

This entire post is all about you today! Share, won’t you? 🙂