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“Yummy Food” or “Good Food” eating is what we do when the food happens to be available and we just happen to decide to eat it. Can you relate? It is typically, a grab-and-go sort of experience…not at all a thoughtful one!
For instance, you are making dinner and simply must taste the goods as you do so. A taste here, a taste there and you discover when all is ready that you are not hungry for dinner when it is time to sit down with the family! BOO!
One solution to this sort of “Yummy Food Eating” is to chew gum while you are cooking/preparing food. It is typically a bit off-putting to taste something else while the gum is in your mouth! At the very least, it can help you to realize that you are being more intentional about the tasting than you thought. When I discover that my “accidental” bites aren’t quite so “accidental,” I know it is time to pray for a willing heart and renew my mind about my boundaries!
Another example of a “Yummy Food Eating” temptation is Costco and Sam’s club (or other membership club). Food samples that are out everywhere no matter which time of the day you choose to shop there. This may sound silly, but if you know you love the samples, you can actually plan to be hungry during your shopping trip at Sam’s or Costco. That way, you can enjoy the samples (though you might be “breaking” your secondary boundaries, so I recommend being intentional about focusing on the food since you will likely NOT be sitting down!) and it won’t break your boundaries. It can actually be your meal! If you end up not hungry and find yourself at one of those stores, then I recommend chewing gum as you shop, too. Again, it isn’t likely you will “accidentally” eat the samples if you are chewing gum.
A third place we may give in to “Yummy Food Eating” is at bible studies or fellowship groups. Again, you can plan your hunger (remember, this takes practice, so extend grace to yourself as you work on this!) or establish a secondary boundary, such as staying out of the kitchen. Again, if those options don’t work for you, chewing sugarless gum can.
It may sound like I chew a lot of gum! To be honest, I hate chewing gum, and you may as well. It is worth it while we are training ourselves to be more aware, though. It IS temporary! You won’t feel like you always have to do this. But for now, as you are realizing the moments of your life when you unconsciously may have had tastes of food that resulted in a “mess up,” it may do the trick.
Some of you work in an office where snacks and temptations abound literally all day long. You can “strike early” by taking samples of the foods in the office staff room and putting them in your own container in the fridge. Then you can have them when you are hungry! You can enjoy the items that other people brought without breaking your boundaries.
Plan ahead. Think through the day. Are there any potential opportunities for “Yummy Food Eating” to come calling? What will you do to prepare for it?
CONTEST WINNER: I will make that announcement later tonight. I hope you will check back!
Day 2 of the “Ditch Your Scale” Challenge: How is it going? Did you stay off the scale today? Did you need to renew your mind about it at all? Are you off to a good start today? What thoughts have you had about this as you have given this to the Lord? 🙂
This is a timely post for me since I will be working as a vendor at a street fair all day tomorrow where the sights and smells can be intoxicating for me. I need to pray for guidance since I will be traveling and don’t have a kitchen to prepare food in advance. I know I will have to take extra precautions… I just don’t know what those are yet. It may be that I need to stop at walmart at 630 am to buy some safe food. Please pray for me that I will have the willingness and presence of mind to honor my primary and secondary boundaries.
I love the ideas that have been offered Minda. 🙂
Perhaps just for tomorrow Minda you can have a secondary boundary in which you commit to having a short praise-fest in your mind before putting anything in your mouth. It is a good strategy because it makes you stop and think before you eat. I don’t always do it and then I find myself at times putting a little something in my mouth outside of 0 to 5 eating. I will pray for all of us to have a willing spirit to stick to our boundaries. Hope it goes well tomorrow. Thanks Heidi for this post especially before the weekend when it is easy to be careless.
I haven’t looked in the mirror to judge my body (my version of the scale) today – yea!. I woke up really early and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I felt like the Lord was calling me to be with Him. So, I skipped my early morning workout (this is serious progress for a former overexerciser :)) and spent an hour before the family woke up in prayer and in the Word. Because of that, today has been great! I am a bit tired, but am waiting on Him to tell me when my next meal is. And I have no plans for what it will be. Again, progress from a former obsessive meal planner. I’m praying that we all have a Friday that is full of Him!
I hate to chew gum so I decided this year I was going to start to memorize the book of Ephesians. I bought some index cards and wrote verses on the cards on them. I put them in the kitchen so every time I need to go in the kitchen to cook (which seems like all the time) is often because my husband is diabetic and needs to eat often I look at the cards and memorize and if I want to put something in my mouth I hold the card in my hand. So in my mind I am putting God’s Word in my mouth to get to my heart.
Hi, Cyndi. I don’t like to chew gum either, but I know there are times when I am very rebellious. And I wish it wasn’t so…but I will sometimes bypass other more godly approaches to managing this challenge in favor of one that is more “mechanics” oriented. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Of course, doing as you have suggested is a GREAT idea, but honestly…sometimes I am rebellious. What a great strategy for you! And for all of us who are willing to be in that place of humble submission to God’s will!
I’m all stocked up with the sugarless gum, amazing flavours available – apple pie, orange dreamsickle, mint chocolate chip… who would’ve guessed! Hey Heidi, I had a co-worker that used to take his family to Cosco at noon on Saturdays to feast on the samples, he said it was the cheapest family lunch of the week! So yes, those little bites here and there can qualify as a meal. Thanks for the reminder to be vigilent.
Sure thing, Lesley. Wow…interesting that they have so many flavors. Me, I am a cinnamon girl, I think. I don’t like gum much, but if I have to chew it, that’s what it will be!
Great idea, of course! Some of us may not be as willing! Yay for you for feasting on the Word!
So far I done good waiting for hunger. We had date night out…stayed in my boundaries. Did have a wonderful walk along the bitteroot river for an hour enjoying the beautiful mountains and watching the birds. Felt so good to be out doors. 🙂
Ps. I like cinnamon and clove flaverd gum. Yum!
Oh, Jamie! That sounds absolutely marvelous. I love your description! I can almost picture it and hear the birds!
We had company tonight with much yummy food. I was hungry (a true 0). When I started eating I found myself eating quickly. I realized it and slowed my pace. I was able to sample all the yummyness and stop at a 5. Who needs a scale, I feel great!
Blessings, Joyce
PS God is good.
Joyce, I meant to respond sooner. This sounds like a WONDERFUL victory! I hope the week has continued to go well for you! I hear you…when we are responding to God and the boundaries he has for us, we feel so affirmed in our faith and obedience. We don’t need the “validation” of the scale!